Scotland Organ Donation Services Team
The Scotland Organ Donation Services Team provide services to a population of 5.4 million. The team provides a service for all 15 NHS boards within Scotland.
Team structure
Regional Clinical Leads: Dr Iain MacLeod and Dr Helen Tyler
Regional Manager: Susan Hannah
Team Manager: Joanne Brooks, Colin Faichnie and Cara Murdoch
Specialist Nurses: 25 in total
Practice Development Specialist: Ailsa Lyttle
Administration Team:
Anne Sorley - Regional Office Manager
Jennifer Tarnawski - Administrative Assistant
Contact Number: 0300 123 9209
Organ Donor Referral Line: 03000 20 30 40
The reports on this page provide a summary of data relating to potential and actual organ donors as recorded by NHS Blood and Transplant via the Potential Donor Audit (PDA) and the UK Transplant Registry.
The reports cover the time period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
For Board specific data, the PDA key rates Power BI report can be used to view PDA key metrics and UK Transplant Registry donor and transplant data, for any specified Board, region and time-frame by using the report filters.
Access the PDA key rates Power BI report
For copies of executive summary reports for a specific Board, please contact
Archived reports
As part of the PDA, patients aged over 80 years of age and those who did not die on a critical care unit or an emergency department are not audited nationally and are therefore excluded from the majority of this report. In addition, some information from this time period may be outstanding due to late reporting and difficulties obtaining patient notes. Donations not captured by the PDA will still be included in the data supplied from the accompanying Referral Record or from the UK Transplant Registry, as appropriate.
Some percentages in these reports were calculated using small numbers and should therefore be interpreted with caution.
The table containing Gold/Silver/Bronze/Amber/Red shading provides a comparison with UK targets. The targets specific to each of the nine key metrics are displayed on and above the funnel plots throughout Section 3 of the Scotland team detailed full report. Definitions and data, table and figure descriptions can also be found in the detailed full report.
Please refer to the contact details above if you have any queries or requests for further information.