Advisory Groups
The Advisory Groups are the key fora for clinicians and scientists to meet with representatives from NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), commissioners and Departments of Health and others to review and develop policies, assess outcomes, and work with partners and stakeholders to improve outcomes for patients.
The structure and role of the Advisory Groups has recently been reviewed and recommendations made from which changes will be implemented. The Chairs, who are all elected with independent input, meet at the Chairs of the Advisory Groups Committee. The Advisory Groups report to the Organ Donation and Transplantation (ODT) Senior Management Team.
The solid organ advisory groups discuss:
- Donation activity
- Transplant activity
- Waiting times
- Equity of access
- Selection and organ allocation
- Transplant outcomes and research
The most recent minutes and agendas for the solid organ advisory meetings can be found within the respective organ's section within Transplantation in the quick links section of this page.
Each Solid Organ Advisory Group has representation on the membership from the British Transplantation Society (BTS) these are:
- Cardiothoracic Advisory Group: Jen Baxter (lung), Simon Messer (heart)
- Kidney Advisory Group: TBC
- Liver Advisory Group: Anya Adair
- Pancreas Advisory Group: Colin Wilson
- Retrieval Advisory Group: Shahid Farid
- National Organ Donation Committee: Colin Wilson
Lay members
Each Solid Organ Advisory Group has appointed 2 members to each of the advisory groups; the appointment of these lay members will complement and not replace the work with patients and patient groups. The appointed members are:
- Multi-visceral and Composite Tissue Advisory Group: Professor Anthony Wrigley (PDF 60KB), Mr Tim Court (PDF 57KB)
- Cardiothoracic Advisory Group: Mrs Margaret Harrison (PDF 6KB), Mr Shamik Ghosh (PDF 82KB)
- Kidney Advisory Group: Mr Aamer Safdar (PDF 48KB), Professor Anthony Wrigley (PDF 60KB)
- Liver Advisory Group: Mr Andrew Madden (PDF 51KB) Mr Tim Court (PDF 57KB)
- Pancreas Advisory Group: Ms Aileen Feeney (PDF 51KB), Mrs Sapna Marwaha (PDF 64KB)
- Retrieval Advisory Group: Mr Shamik Ghosh (PDF 82KB), Mr Steven Potter (PDF 81KB)
- Ocular and Tissue Advisory Group: Mr Aamer Safdar (PDF 48KB), Mr Steven Potter (PDF 81KB)
- Research, Innovation & Novel Technologies Advisory Group: Ms Aileen Feeney (PDF 51KB), Ms Josephine Willows (PDF 71KB)
- National Organ Donation Committee: Mrs Margaret Harrison (PDF 6KB), Ms Josephine Willows (PDF 71KB)
Lay members are not clinicians and will not become involved with clinical decisions about individual patients.
If a patient or a family member has a concern with a clinical decision, then they should raise this with the clinician concerned in the first instance and, if not satisfied, contact the hospital involved. Patients declined for transplantation may ask for a second opinion.