Paediatric organ donation resources
Training resources
In line with the recommendations from the National Paediatric and Neonatal Deceased Donation Strategy, we aim to fully support continuing education and shared practice, to ensure specialist nurses and clinical teams have the information, training, and support to ensure organ donation processes are in place which are relevant and appropriate for child / infant donors.
We have a three-tiered approach to education: local, regional and national / strategic training.
These resources are to help you deliver training at a local and regional level.
Regional training resources
Paediatric Organ Donation Simulation Course
- Course outline (PDF 159KB)
- Discussion topics (PowerPoint 408KB)
- Lecture 1: Paediatric OD in the UK – where are we at present? (PowerPoint 3MB)
- Lecture 2: Role of the Specialist Nurses Organ Donation and Specialist Requestors (PowerPoint 3MB)
- Lecture 3: Types of organ donation (PowerPoint 3MB)
- Simulation scenarios (PDF 116KB)
Resource feedback
We would like to hear your feedback and any comments you may have on these resources.

The course is suitable for:
- Senior staff in PICU / NICU
- Clinical teams involved in EOLC on PICU/NICU
- Medical colleagues – we request that you have completed the Deceased Donation SIM Course (Newcastle / London) prior to attending. Find out more about the course
- Specialist Nurse Organ Donation – Regional Paediatric SNOD Leads or those working in hospitals with PICU / Level 3 NICUs
Courses are currently scheduled for:
- June 16th 2022 – Bristol (course full)
- September 13th 2022 – Newcastle (currently held for those on the waiting list)
- April 2023 – TBC
- November 2023 – TBC
Please feel free to contact us with any general queries or for advice.
- Angie Scales Lead Nurse: Paediatric and Neonatal Donation
- Dr Reinout Mildner National Paediatric Clinical Lead Organ Donation
- Dr Omer Aziz Paediatric Medical Training Lead
- Dr Nikki Crowley Trainee Representative Organ Donation