Role of Information Services

ODT Information Services operates a core hour service, with a limited on-call for registrations and updates. Michael Stokes (Operations Manager of ODT Hub Information Services) is supported by an Operational Lead, Project Coordinator, Training and Development Lead, Team Managers, Supervisors and Information Officers.

The team are responsible for:

  • Registering every routine patient in the UK that needs a transplant
  • Managing the UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme leading to over 200 high quality kidney transplants each year
  • Providing a scientific support service to the transplant community
  • Collecting follow-up data from every transplant recipient for the life of their graft
  • Establishing traceability of every organ donated for transplantation in the UK
  • Supporting the implementation of the digitisation of the HTA A and B forms
  • Planning for the roll out of the online Patient Management application for liver, kidney and pancreas transplantation

Each year, the ODT Hub Information Services processes:

  • 5,200 new registrations
  • 13,000 amendments to registration
  • 10,000 HTA A and B forms
  • 80,000 follow-up forms

Find out how ODT Hub Information Services are making processes safer, simpler and more supportive through the ODT Hub Programme.

Contacting the ODT Information Services

Direct dial: (0117) 975 7523 (internal use only)