Best practice guidance

Guidance and professional resources specific to deceased organ donation

COVID-19: see our advice for clinical staff involved in facilitating organ and tissue donation and transplantation in the UK.

Donor identification and referral

Guidance and procedural information for identifying and referring potential donors.

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Consent, authorisation and the family approach

Guidance and procedural information about gaining consent and authorisation from a donor family.

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Authorisation in Scotland

Clinical guidance for gaining authorisation for donation and transplantation from a donor family in Scotland.

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Donation after Brainstem Death

Information about the retrieval of organs from donors whose death is diagnosed using a neurological criteria.

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Diagnosing death using neurological criteria

These educational videos cover diagnosing death using neurological criteria. The content is based on 'A Code of Practice for the Diagnosis and Confirmation of Death'.

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Donation after Circulatory Death

Information about the retrieval of organs from donors whose death is diagnosed using cardio-respiratory criteria.

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Donation from Emergency Department

Resources and guidance about the retrieval from donors as a result of catastrophic injury.

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Donor optimisation

Information and guidance concerning the optimisation of donor physiology.

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Paediatric care

Guidance for paediatric organ donation.

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End of life care

Guidance and resources for those who are caring for potential organ donors.

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Donation Actions Framework

Professional, ethical and legal guidance for best interests decision making when caring for potential organ donors.

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International perspectives

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Legislative framework

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Glossary of Terms

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