Organ Utilisation Development Team

The Organ Utilisation Development Team (OUDT) aim to increase overall organ utilisation from deceased donors across the UK.

The team work with colleagues nationally, overseeing projects related to the utilisation of heart, lung, kidney, liver and pancreas organs for transplantation. OUDT areas of focus include data, Leadership & Engagement, and education and culture.

On this page:

  • Membership
  • Clinical Leads for Organ Utilisation (CLUs)
  • Offer review schemes (ORS)
  • National Organ Utilisation Conference (NOUC)

Clinical Leads for Organ Utilisation (CLUs)

The CLU scheme began in November 2020 and has continued to evolve.

Bar chart showing the number of CLU posts filled by September 2023 by type of organ

Offer review schemes (ORS)

The offer review schemes provide a weekly report of any High Quality Donor (HQD) offers that are declined by transplanting centres. These include heart, lung, kidney, liver and pancreas transplant offers.

Organ Lead CLUs review the decline data and liaise with the transplanting centre to understand the circumstances and reasons leading to the decline. The offer decline reports are shared with centres to encourage learning, help identify missed opportunities and reduce barriers to transplantation.

National Organ Utilisation Conference (NOUC)

The NOUC is an annual event held by NHSBT and provides an opportunity for CLUs to showcase their work towards improving organ utilisation.

Find out about the next event and access the presentation slides from previous years.