Living donor kidney transplantation
Living donor kidney transplantation accounts for 96% of living donation activity in the UK and for 28% of kidney transplants across both adult and paediatric recipients.
Between 2000-2010, Living Donor Kidney Transplantation (LDKT) activity trebled in the UK in response to excellent transplant and patient outcomes which encouraged patient choice. Advances in technology, clinical expertise and changes in the legislative framework have encouraged more opportunity and choice in the options for living donor kidney transplantation; enabling the benefits of transplantation to be extended to more clinically complex recipients. It offers the best option for achieving pre-emptive and timely transplantation because of the opportunity to plan surgery in advance.
- Access the living donor kidney transplantation annual report
- Read the living donor kidney transplantation policy
Living donor kidney transplantation 2020 strategy
In order to build on the success of the previous decade, to promote best practice and to ensure that the UK programme has a sustainable future, NHS Blood and Transplant formally launched a UK Strategy for Living Donor Kidney Transplantation.
Strategy Implementation Group
The LDKT 2020 Strategy Implementation Group is a sub-group of the NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Kidney Advisory Group, Chaired by Dr Aisling Courtney, Consultant nephrologist, Belfast City Hospital, with representation from across the wider transplant community. Terms of Reference are available to view. The strategy will be implemented through four workstreams:
The Strategy Implementation Group commision the following:
- Improving access and availability to LDKT
- Donor safety and welfare
- Recipient of LDKT at higher immune risk