Education and resources

Eye donation is an opportunity to give the gift of sight after death.
When an eye is donated, the cornea (the clear outer layer of tissue at the front of the eye) can be transplanted to restore a person's sight. The sclera (the whites of the eye) can also be transplanted.
The resources on this page should help educate yourself or others about the practice of eye donation and help you discuss the topic with donor families.
If your organisation would like to be involved in the eye donation project work, you can contact the Regional Tissue Donation Nurse Specialist Team by emailing
Educational presentations
The following educational presentations support the discussion and practice of eye donation as a routine part of end of life care in the hospice setting.
The slides in these presentations contain audio files. Transcripts of these audio files can be found in the notes section of each slide. The presentations are best accessed using a laptop or desktop device.
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